Learn DSA Using Python || Lesson 02 - Python Revision || Code Explorer

Welcome To DSA Complete Course Using Python By Code Explorer

This Is A Quick Revision Of Python For This Course

Python is a versatile programming language known for its simplicity and readability, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced programmers. It provides an extensive set of libraries and frameworks that make development faster and more efficient. Moreover, Python's popularity has grown immensely over the years, making it one of the most widely used programming languages.

When it comes to Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), Python offers a range of built-in data structures and comprehensive libraries that simplify the implementation of algorithms. These features, combined with Python's expressive syntax, make it an ideal language for working with DSA.

Let's explore some of the key aspects of Python programming and its relevance to DSA :-

  1. Readability and Simplicity: Python emphasizes code readability, utilizing an elegant and intuitive syntax. This makes it easier to understand and maintain code, especially when dealing with complex data structures and algorithms. Python's minimalist design philosophy encourages developers to write clean and concise code, reducing the likelihood of errors and making it easier to reason about DSA implementations.
  2. Data Structures: Python provides a variety of built-in data structures, such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, and more. These data structures are versatile and efficient, allowing you to store and manipulate data effectively. They serve as the foundation for implementing various algorithms and solving problems efficiently.
  3. Standard Library and Third-Party Modules: Python's standard library includes numerous modules that offer a wide range of functionalities. Many of these modules are relevant to DSA, providing implementations of common algorithms and data structures. For example, the "collections" module offers advanced data structures like deque and OrderedDict. Additionally, there are several popular third-party libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy, which provide powerful tools for numerical computing, data manipulation, and scientific computing.
  4. Algorithmic Implementations: Python's flexibility allows for easy implementation of algorithms. It supports imperative, functional, and object-oriented programming paradigms, providing developers with various approaches to solving algorithmic problems. Additionally, Python's dynamic typing and high-level abstractions allow for rapid prototyping and experimentation, enabling programmers to iterate quickly on algorithmic solutions.
  5. Pythonic Idioms: Pythonic idioms refer to programming practices and patterns specific to Python. These idioms emphasize code clarity and readability while leveraging the language's unique features. By following Pythonic idioms, DSA implementations become more elegant and concise. For instance, list comprehensions, generators, and context managers are common Pythonic constructs that can simplify code related to algorithms and data structures.
  6. Testing and Debugging: Python offers robust testing frameworks, such as unittest and pytest, which aid in the development and verification of DSA implementations. These frameworks allow you to write test cases, automate test execution, and easily identify and fix issues. Python's debugging capabilities, with tools like pdb (Python Debugger), help diagnose and resolve problems efficiently.

Overall, Python's combination of simplicity, readability, powerful libraries, and vast community support makes it an excellent choice for implementing data structures and algorithms. Its ecosystem provides ample resources, tutorials, and documentation to support learning and mastering DSA using Python.

First Python Program

              print("Hello, World!")

Variables In Python

Variables are the name , given to a particular memory location. We've to follow some rule to declare a variable names in Python . Those are :-

Do This

1) Starts with only A-Z / a-z/ _ .
2) Can contain number in the middle.

Don't Do This

1) Doesn't starts with any number (0-9).
2) Some system variables starts with (_) , so we'll avoid that.

As Python is a Dynamically Typed programming language , we don't need to mention the data type of the variable . This will automatically detect that .

Data Types In Python

We've some by default data-types in Python like,-

1) Integer 2) Float 3) Strings 4) Arrays

To know a data-type of a variable , we can use type() function .

Arithmetical Operators

In Python we've some Arithmetical Operators ,-

1) [+] To add two integers / floats / strings
1) [-] To subtract two integers / floats
1) [*] To multiply two integers / floats
1) [/] To divide two integers / floats
1) [**] To power two integers / floats
1) [//] To floor division two integers / floats

Taking Inputs

We've to use input() function to take inputs , from the users . By default the input() function stores the user input in string data-type format .

  def add():
    input1 = input("Enter Your first Number : ")
    input2 = input("Enter Your second Number : ")

    output = input1 + input2
    print("The result is " + output)


This code will store your numbers as string data-type , so it will not add your numbers . But if you want to add them , you've to convert the data-type to string(str) to integer(int) . Let see how we can do that,-

  def add():
    input1 = int(input("Enter Your first Number : "))
    input2 = int(input("Enter Your second Number : "))

    output = input1 + input2
    print("The result is " + output)
